The pattern matching operation is potentially expensive, so it is vital to focus the search intelligently. 模式匹配操作可能是非常昂贵的,因此智能地集中搜索是非常重要的。
Normalized pattern matching is based on correlation and operated point by point with a large quantum of operation and low efficiency. 传统图象匹配算法利用相关法进行逐点计算,计算量大且做了许多无用功。
The neurons of hidden layer perform the pattern matching of process input information and aggregation operation of time and respond to the input patterns. 隐层神经元完成对过程式输入信息的模式匹配和对时间的聚合运算,输出层对输入模式作出响应。
In view of the distributing characteristics of BGA ball grid, the algorithm optimizes the conventional point pattern matching algorithm and reduces the time-cost operation greatly. 该算法针对BGA焊球分布特点,对传统点模式匹配算法进行优化,大大减少了运算量;